FindVUK Online Database
Here you can get an keydb.cfg file that can be used for bluray playback with e.g. VLC or many other applications.
For detailed information how you can use this file please take a look at the bottom of this page - or on the following pages:
Archive page of previous OnlineDB from Starbuck
For more details or questions take a look here: DOOM9 - FindVUK Thread
In case of problems with VLC Bluray Menue playback this post here might be helpful: VideoLan Forum - Solution for libbluray+java BD-J bluray menus troubleshooting on win10
Current database:
LastUpdate: 2025-02-17 23:52:33
Current Number of MetaEntries: 34689
Current Number of LegacyEntries: 127020
Statistics ALL
Statistics - last 60 days
Small explanation about the difference between Meta and Legacy Entries:
MetaEntries: source of the entries is FindVUK and all data is verified - so e.g. the VUK or UnitKeys from those entries are validated and known to work!
(with one small exception - in case the entries could not be validated because of BusEncryption they are still uploaded, but get the comment 'not validated')
LegacyEntries: FindVUK supports synchronisation of the local keydb.cfg file with the OnlineDB
In case there are entries in the local file that are not yet available they are sent to the OnlineDB and added as LegacyEntries
Source and quality of this entries is unknown and so they might or might not be valid at all.
keydb.cfg - Language English (27754 entries)
keydb.cfg - Language French (2374 entries)
keydb.cfg - Language German (1824 entries)
keydb.cfg - Language Spanish (1447 entries)
keydb.cfg - Language Italian (1206 entries)
keydb.cfg - Language Japanese (1183 entries)
keydb.cfg - Language Dutch (741 entries)
keydb.cfg - Language Portuguese (676 entries)
keydb.cfg - Language Korean (400 entries)
keydb.cfg - Language Russian (370 entries)
keydb.cfg - Language Catalan (261 entries)
keydb.cfg - Language fin (104 entries)
keydb.cfg - Language dan (103 entries)
keydb.cfg - Language nor (102 entries)
keydb.cfg - Language swe (102 entries)
Small explanation why it's possible to download in different languages:
- Technically it does not make any difference - all information required for decoding are identical in all languages!
- FindVUK uploads the titles in all languages offered on the disc and so it's possible to create special keydb files where the 'title' is using a special language.
- If there are at least 100 entries for a language a separated file is created for tihs language
- The titles of all other entries in file are english if available or in worst case a random title from the available languages.
Short HowTo to get VLC up and running with the file (only for Windows - I've no experience with Linux ):
- Download VLC from the official website and install it - nowadays always download the x64 version
- Download a supported Java JRE (JDK is NOT needed) - Note: Java 8 > build 321 crashes VLC :(
- Download a working Java e.g. from Azul 8u322b06 - Java 8 x64 - 8u322b06 - Archive
- Note: it's not recommended to use an outdated Java release as 'main' Java on the system - so download it as zip file and extract it manually into a 'java' folder in the VLC directory
- Finally start VLC with a small batch file like this:
set JAVA_HOME=%~dp0JAVA\
- Download libaacs and copy into VLC directory
- Download updated libaacs libraries from here: DOOM9 - Bluray playback with libaacs & libbdplus
- Copy the correct files (usually those from the win64 folder) directly into the VLC root folder (not into a subdirectory) - the file 'aacs_info.exe' is not required
- Download keydb file manually - or download FindVUK and use the synchronisation to keep the file updated easily
- Download FindVUK from here: DOOM9 - FindVUK Thread
- After extracting the files there's a 'FindVUK - Synchronize.bat' that can be used for a simple synchronisation of the keydb.cfg file
- Finally start VLC and try to open a bluray either directly from disc or from an iso image :)
Download Statistics